General conditions  

Conditions for use
These General conditions define the order, manner and conditions for making online sales and purchases through the webpage, property of Festa Dolphinarium EOOD. These General Conditions represent a long-distance contract for sale and purchasing negotiated between Festa Dolphinarium and the Client under the meaning of Art. 48 of the Customer Protection Act.
Festa Dolphinarium EOOD is a commercial company of address: Saltanat Vicinity, Varna 9000, Bulgaria. Contact telephone: +35952302199.
Festa Dolphinarium EOOD provides to the Client an option to purchase the services offered online through placement of Client’s order and paying of the respective sales price under the observance, on the part of the Client, of these General Conditions. The Client can place valid orders for the purchasing of the offered online services only upon giving their agreement to these General Conditions. By doing this the Client shall be considered to be bound with the General Conditions and shall be obliged to observe the same.
All Clients of the webpage are advised to read carefully these General Conditions. They represent a contract, which regulates the relations between the Client and Festa Dolphinarium EOOD. The Clients use the online services offered on the webpage on their own responsibility. Festa Dolphinarium reserves to itself the right to change the service prices without advance notice.
Festa Dolphinarium reserves to itself the right at any time and of its own discretion to amend, add or withdraw parts of these Conditions. The Client will have the responsibility to check these Conditions for Use at any given moment before they use the web page. The circumstance that the Client continues to use the web page after such changes have been published is taken as Client’s confirmation that they approve and accept the changes introduced in these Conditions. With this, the Client agrees that all subsequent purchases shall be regulated by the Conditions applicable up to the publication of the amended Conditions for Use, and after that – in compliance with such amended Conditions for Use. In spite of our best efforts to assure that the information contained in our web page is correct, complete and current, there might be occasions when the information about certain services might contain incorrect or incomplete data, including data referring to prices or availability. We do not warrant that the information contained on our web page is complete, current or free of errors. We reserve for ourselves the right to correct errors and/or update the content of our web page at any time without notice.
Description of the service
DOLPHIN SHOW – A show performed by dolphins and coaches, which includes elements of acrobatics, balance, sports games, games with the audience, musical stunts, developed on the natural behaviour of the dolphins and adapted for shows before audience.
In order to use this service, you need to know certain significant details:
  • The prices for the dolphin show undergo seasonal changes and are notified at the cash desk and on the web page.
  • The price of your ticket, which you have purchased online (e-ticket) is the price, which has been notified on the web page on the date of the online purchase and this price can differ from the price notified on the price list displayed at the cash desk on the date of your visit.
  • The e-ticket is valid for the date reserved by you and indicated on the ticket. On that day, you can visit any of the shows notified on the web page.
  • The Dolphin Show tickets do not have booked seats and the client chooses a seat of their liking.
  • You are advised to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time of the show.
  • In force majeure circumstances such as illness or birth of a dolphin calf, the shows can be cancelled for that particular day and your ticket will be reimbursed to you via bank transfer. The procedure will be explained to you at the cash desk.
Refusal of the service and reimbursement of the payment
As a user, you have the right to withdraw from this Contract under the provisions of Art. 55 of the Customer Protection Act, if:
  • You have not used the service;
  • The withdrawal takes place within 7 business days from the conclusion (online payment) of this Contract.
The payment will be reimbursed to you by Festa Dolphinarium within the law-provided 30 day term as of the date on which the Customer has exercised their right of withdrawal from the concluded contract.
If you wish to order an online ticket for this service:
Observe the following sequence:
  1. Fill-in your names and e-mail address in the respective cells;
  2. Fill-in the number of tickets you wish to purchase, depending on the available dates and times indicated on the web page;
  3. Confirm your agreement with these General Conditions;
  4. Make the online payment;
  5. You will receive an email with confirmation and unique barcode for the specified date and hour, which you’ll need to bring with you on your visit to the Dolphinarium. This is your electronic ticket. Enjoy the unique experience of the show!